A Little Bit of Digital Marketing



The first time the term Digital Marketing was used was in the mid-1990s. In the 2000s and 2010s the term became more commonly used and always related to the internet. Over time digital marketing has become a popular term, its functionalities consist of an easier way to connect and create relationships with the customers. Digital Marketing has evolved and now with the mega boom of social media it’s become a more effective way to stay in touch with the customers basically all day. Over the last two years, the market has indicated that it is, in fact, a growing field and it will continue to grow considerably over the next years.


Due to the expansion and growth of digital media people are just seconds away from accessing information making digital marketing  an important aspect for any company or business that wants to let people know about their product or services. Nowadays people don’t buy exactly whatever they can get their hands on, people want brands they know they can trust, companies they know, most likely these companies offer things made to their preferences.


Unlike typical marketing, some of the benefits of digital marketing are that when it comes to measuring results, they are measured far better and more organized, also, digital campaigns can reach an infinite audience. Many campaigns can be tailored to a more local audience but when needed it can be uploaded to the internet for a wider and more global community.


According to major blogs, digital marketing companies and known marketers, they’ve agreed that there are several types of digital marketing most commonly known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing, Pay per Click, E-mail newsletter, etc. Most people when looking up for information the first thing they use is the internet, this is where digital marketing comes into the game. When you’re a marketer, you got to know how and what type of information these people are acquiring when surfing the net. Moreover, you have to find a way to make them spread the word about the products and services of your clients. Otherwise you’re just wasting a huge opportunity, digitally-wise of course.



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