Mobile Responsive Is The New Way To Go.




Internet has revolutionized the way we do almost anything. We do banking, read news, learn and even go to meetings via the internet. Any process that can be send over via a mobile device or a computer, has the potential to be changed transported to web. Reading the newspaper just became a matter of waking up and connecting to your mobile device or pc. When was the last time you had to print something? Smartphones make it easy to access data without having to bring the paper with you everywhere. When was the last time you had to make an International call? Computer and mobile applications like Skype, Viber, Whatsapp to make their daily communications instantaneous and free . People dont have to go all the way home or try to find a way to se how they can get their hands on a computer with and internet connection in order to find what they are looking for. 70% of online searches nowadays are done through a phone. People use google, facebook, twitter, web-based applications to do everything.

Responsive web design is exacly what it says. Elements inside the website responding and adapting to the modifications in screen or browser size texts changing, Elements are rearanged within the screen.

Reasons why you should not have mobile responsive website:

1) You dont depend on a website to stay in business

2) Your websites has specific functions and is designed for goals that are not intended for people accessing it in mobile phones.

3) Your clients dont have smartphones

As you may have thought, those three nets dont usually catch much fish.

In order for websites to maintain up to speed with the current revolution that is mobile, they must adapt their websites to fit into any screen size. Users will get frustrated at websites that make them zoom into every little part of the website that they need to access. They will leave instantly if they cant find what they are looking for. There are 3 ways in which you can make a website for mobile. Create a mobile version, instead of the url would be Create a mobile application for smartphone that users can download to access your website directly on their from their homescreen inside their phone. Third, make a responsive web desined site.

Mobile websites. usually suffer from SEO problems because the site has exactly the same content as the normal website. This is content duplicity and google and other search engines hate double content and will the website lower than others. Mobile pay-per-click networks target applications for their advertising and mobile websites are not part of those networks, they have their own content advertising networks. Screen sizes for mobile sites will always vary and since they are not responsive, your website will never look the same on all phone, some may look distorted or the buttons may be unclickable. What some people do is create a mobile website for each different mobile phone with different size screen, if you do this google will probably ignore you all the way through.

Mobile apps instead of a website. Mobile apps will be good for web applications that best serve the purposes of users utilizing the app on their evveryday life. This will work for sites like: newspapers, search engines, weather sites, blogs, etc. If mobile users dont have a reason to check your website atleast once a day this is probably not your best option.

Mobile responsive web design is the way to go. Google recommends webmasters follow the industry best practice of using responsive web design, namely serving the same HTML for all devices and using only CSS media queries to decide the rendering and size images on each device.






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