

WordPress continues to dominate the content management system space, dramatically outpacing other well-known CMS options like Joomla and Drupal.

Source: CodeGuard

Experts on CMS expect WordPress to continue to lead the pack for the time because “many hosting providers make it trivially easy to install WordPress on a standard shared hosting account and some are even offering specialized packages that just focus on providing customers with a single WordPress installation.”

Most importantly, it is the most user-friendly of all the CMS tools when it comes to our end users, who are often not technical people (department secretaries, some faculty members.) 
WordPress does not require PHP nor HTML knowledge unlinke Drupal, Joomla or Typo3. A preinstalled plugin and template function allows them to be installed very easily. All you need to do is to choose a plugin or a template and click on it to install.
It’s good choice for beginners.

According to CodeGuard as many as three-fourths of new websites are built with WordPress, largely due to it’s ease of use and huge catalog of plugins that make personalizing the CMS a snap.

The WordPress community is extremely diligent in their efforts to keep WordPress secure and as long as you use best practices, you’re going to be as safe as you would be with any other environment.

WordPress is a very good script to create your website. It is one of the simpliest to use of all solutions available on the internet. It’s very good choose for a beginner’s.



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