Business cards aren’t handed out as often as they used to be. Your corporate website fulfills that role nowadays, plus much more. But besides presenting your organization’s information, your website gives potential customer’s a peek into what working with your business would be like.
From a website, they can see what you offer, how you work, who you’ve worked with, and how much effort you put into a valuable brand identity.
B2C, B2B, or e-Commerce hubs, CXGS designs, develops and deploys your website aligned to your marketing goals. Our web development team is armed with over 10 years of experience delivering visually-striking, interactive websites geared for lead conversion.
From planning and design to launch and support, our end-to-end web development projects are designed to bring your audience to you and keep them engaged.
Research and preparation required prior to and during a web development project based on Design Thinking.
Polish and adapt a prototype to be suitable for most standard resolutions across multiple devices.
Migrate the site to a staging environment, followed by a Quality Assurance review on the staging site, and user testing for user-experience.
Tune-up your site to deliver the best speed possible, based on an evaluation and performance report.
Work with an expert that will help coordinate between your organization and our team of professionals.
Keep your website running, avoid downtime, and make sure you get the help you need when you need it.
Web development applied across each phase of our methodology.
A compelling website is vital for building an online audience.
Your corporate website is the fastest way to improve your digital marketing maturity.
Your website is at the core of your online lead conversion strategy.
Keep audiences interested with the right balance of best practices, appealing visuals, and usability.
Leverage your website to create business opportunities.