[SEMDRIVE WEBINAR] How to attract the web-centric buyer



Today’s customers are radically different than those from the Albert Lasker days, with more of us making choices without the direct intervention of the seller. Back then, shoppers made their decisions quickly, in front of a store shelf, influenced by all the advertising they had seen (“the stimulus”). That critical moment was termed “The First Moment of Truth” (FMOT) by Procter and Gamble in 2005, and the key to selling was to get and keep the attention of the shopper at the point of purchase, where a massive 70% of buying decisions were made.

The cognitive process has moved away from the shop, mostly to the web, where the shopper can easily research before making the purchase, gain insight, explore how products can improve their lives and bond with other users. This new decision-making moment is what Google calls the “Zero Moment of Truth” (ZMOT), with 95% of customers researching vendors online before buying (Marketing Sherpa).

The result is a consumer that is much more informed before they reach the shelf, that is, if they ever do, because lots of them are even completing the transaction online. This new breed of buyer, defined as a “web-centric buyer“, research in advance of purchase and ultimately leverages the online channel to make their purchase decision. They are able to find a great level of detail about brands and products online, and from different sources. So when the moment comes, they are ready to buy with confidence and to share their information and experience with others. This trend makes it more important than ever to have a strong web presence, so that you can meet those potential shoppers and address their needs and desires at ZMOT.

That’s what we have been doing here at Semdrive for years: providing effective digital marketing solutions to enhance your online presence. Semdrive will be sharing market insights as well as how you can take advantage of this trends to put digital marketing to work for your company with an introductory webinar on Thursday, August 7. We invite you to join us to learn how to better engage with your customers, and ultimately increasing the number of qualified leads and thus revenues. Register for free now by clicking on the link below!

Semdrive’s “Digital Marketing: How to attract the web-centric buyer” webinar
Thursday, August 7th, 2014 at 9:00-9:30AM (PST)



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